Hello There!
Welcome to "The Balancing Owl" and thank you very much for stopping by!
-Cue Jazzy Music Here-
I'm Arro, the host of this snazzy little corner of blogspot and this is both my first blog and my chronicle of the journey towards achieving my dreams. Not only that, but it's my journal of little blunders, naive wisdom and all around kind hearted well wishing.
I implore any who are chasing their own dreams, who have achieved few, many or all of their own to leave a bit of themselves here in a comment for me and my followers to enjoy.
So, What Are My Dreams, Anyway?
The list is long, will constantly be changing, but you'll find it in the link above this sentence. A dream is something for us to enjoy and strive to achieve, none are ever too big or too little. So I keep mine as varied as they can be, I'll spend my entire life fulfilling them and that's the way I like it.
-To Be Continued-